Lolly’s Retirement Post

well okay!
this has been a very interesting past couple of weeks. including this most recent one.
i’d just like to say it was a pleasure to vibe with everybody! i’ll make sure to hang around every now and then to check up as well.
i’d also just like to thank those in chaos and barbz who made this short week a lot more fun! you all made the thing that started as a simple funny to be a lot more interesting i’d think. thank you for that lol,,

anyways . i’d like to keep this short and sweet instead of rewriting the bible so i’d like to say just a few things before heading off

stan doja cat
add my spotify (@tinypineappless thanks)
support small owned businesses and indie creators
respect the drip bro

Sub Sandwich Transparent & Free Sub Sandwich Transparent.png ...
april fools

Today’s Events!

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Today’s Events

None Scheduled

Here Comes Chaos!

Usa Event Results

Hey Chaos,

Today we had an event. We maxed 14, and averaged 12. In the post Orange made, our expectation was 14 not to max 14 and stay we also have to fix our tactics they were horrifying. Next time, I want everyone paying attention and be ready to go. The Chaos is coming. The only way its going to come is by everyone getting their game together.

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What to do during an event

I feel like I have to make this post, not just for members but owners as well. Continue reading

Step it up

Hello Chaos.

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A New Work Week Approaches…

Hey Chaos Troopers,


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Defense of Snow Shoe

Hey Chaos,

Today we defended Snow shoe. We maxed 20 and averaged 15-18. Our tactics were poor in the beginning of the event, towards the event they got better which I was glad to see. But I’m willing to demote people for not doing tactics on time or at all. Not anything to say but stay awake during events, and recruit as much as you can.

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Event Results June W2 Day 6

Hey Chaos, Flame here with the event results of today! We did a bit bad but we still had decent tactics!
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Tactic Session 4/22/14 Results

Hey Chaos! Flame here, so today we had a bitter tactic session that we only maxed 8 in. But everyone left after the 1st tactic making an average of 6. That isn’t a very good thing. But everything can’t start off all good right?
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You must read.

Edit: Flappy is now gone and Dom decided to stay.

Hello Chaos

I have been falling a bit inactive due to being grounded and being busy in Life. I know school is back I will be more you guys will be the same way. Yes school comes first I want everyone to do their homework and be good in school. Once you got everything good for the week come online and do what you got to do. I will try and be more active, and right now I am mad about the 2 leaders that retired. Gator, Dom. Gator you came and and stayed for a bit then left. Just because of flappy that is the most retarded reason to leave because of  her I was going to talk to her but you decided leave. Dom you left on you’re on for once but early like when you got fired just dissapointed. Now we don’t got a UK Leader. In terms of leadership Son Nav will most likely be the next leader. For now we will see how the leadership: FAP, FAPPER goes *wary* I know its a screwed up name but that’s what fits the best xD. Well army wise we might get a new owner we might not. we will most likely need to go into recruiting all week to regain size and get better than rank 6 on smac like we should of had. By the way Owl Gator and Unk, don’t think I didn’t find out about the “Shut Down” you guys tried 😉


I’m very disappointed in Chaos today. Maxing 6 at a pb. Why can’t all of you guys just log on?!? I appreciate the people who did. Our tactics were horrible. Here is a pic of it:

Why can’t you guys just step up, and come to our important events?